Griffiths, D., Donlan, G., Kannanthara, J., Jahangir, M., Baker, C., Antoniou, M., Singh, Y. 'Phase Synchronization of Bistatic Radar by Exploiting the Urban Scene' IEEE Transactions on Aerospace and Electronic Systems, (2025)
Ganesh, S., Zhang, S., Tiwari, B.S., Singh, Y. 'External-cavity diode laser at 2.6 μm and its frequency stabilization with a scanning Fabry-Pérot cavity' Optics Express, (Vol. 32, No. 24) (2024) Link
Zhang, S, Tiwari, B.S., Ganesh, S, Singh, Y, and Flambaum V.V. 'Absolute frequency measurements on the 5𝑠5𝑝3𝑃0 → 5𝑠6𝑑3𝐷1 transition in strontium' Physical Review Research (Vol. 6, No. 4) (2024) Link
Rajagopal, L., Oliveira, R.D., Lord, A., Singh, Y., Nejabati, R., Simeonidou, D. 'Experimental Demonstration of High Precision Time Transfer in FPGA for 5G and 6G Networks' International Conference on Optical Network Design and Modelling (ONDM) (2024) Link
Griffiths, D., Jahangir, M., Donlan, G., Kannanthara, J., Antoniou, M., Baker, C.J., Singh, Y. ‘Microwave Photonics in Networked Staring Radar’ IEEE International Topical Meeting on Microwave Photonics (MWP) (2024) Link
Jahangir, M., Griffiths, D., Singh, Y., Antoniou, M. ‘Building a Quantum-Enabled, Networked Radar Testbed for Urban Surveillance of Low Observable Aerial Targets – Current Status’ 10th NATO Military Sensing Symposium (2023) Link
Jahangir, M., Griffiths, D., White, D., Donlan, G., Ren, X., Kannanthara, J., Singh, Y., Wayman, J.P., Baker , C.J., Sadler, J.P., Reynolds, S.J., Antoniou, A. 'Development of a Networked Photonic-Enabled Staring Radar Testbed for Urban Surveillance' IET Radar, Sonar & Navigation (2023)
Griffiths, D., Jahangir, M., White, D., Kannanthara, J., Donlan, G., Baker, C.J., Singh, Y., Antoniou, M. 'Urban Clutter Analysis for Drone Detection using L-band Staring Radar' IEEE International Radar Conference (RADAR) (2023)
Griffiths, D., Jahangir, M., Kannanthara, J., Donlan, G., Baker, C.J., Antoniou, M., Singh, Y. 'Fully digital, urban networked staring radar: Simulation and Experimentation' IET Radar, Sonar & Navigation (2023)
Wiens, E., Kwong, C.J., Müller, T., Bongs, K., Singh, Y., Schiller, S. 'An Optical Frequency Reference based on a Cryogenic Silicon Resonator' Optics Express (2023)
Sun, Q., Jones, J.M., Singh, A., Jha, A., Gellesch, M., Kale, Y., Singh, V., Barron, R., Jain, M., Bongs, K., Singh, Y. 'Frequency & Time: Measurements, Control and Transfer, Vol 1', Chapter 2, (2023)
Kannanthara, J., Griffiths, D., Jahangir, M., Jones, J.M., Baker C.J., Antoniou, M., Bell, C.J., White, H., Bongs, K., Singh, Y. 'Whole System Radar Modelling: Simulation and Validation' (2023)
Jahangir, M., Atkinson, G., White, D., Griffiths, D., Ren, X., Wayman, J., Baker, C.J., Sadler, J., Reynolds, J., Antoniou, M. 'Networked Staring Radar Testbed for Urban Surveillance: Status and Preliminary Results' (2022)
Griffiths, D., Kannanthara, J., Jahangir, M., Antoniou, M., Baker C.J., Singh, Y. 'Direct Signal Synchronization for Staring Passive Bistatic Radar' (2022)
Jones, J.M, Griffiths, D., Kannanthara, J., Jahangir, M., Antoniou, M., Baker C.J., Bongs, K., Singh, Y. "Quantum Enabled Radar Sensing" (2022)
Bongs, K., Cruise, A.M., Goldwin, J., Holynski, M., Singh, Y., et al. "Cold atoms in space: community workshop summary and proposed road-map." EPJ Quantum Technol. 9, 30 (2022).
Kale, Y. B., Singh, A., Gellesch, M., Jones, J. M., Morris, D., Aldous, M., Bongs, K., and Singh, Y. "Field deployable atomics package for an optical lattice clock" (2022) Quantum Science and Technology.
Jahangir, M., Jones, J., Kannanthara J., Baker C.J., Bongs K., Antoniou M., and Singh Y. "Development of Quantum Enabled Staring Radar with Low Phase Noise" (2022), European Microwave Week 2021 Conference Proceedings
Bertoldi, A., Bongs, K., Bouyer, P. et al. AEDGE: Atomic experiment for dark matter and gravity exploration in space. Exp Astron (2021).
Gellesch, M., Jones, J., Barron, R., Singh, A., Sun, Q., Bongs, K. and Singh, Y. "Transportable optical atomic clocks for use in out-of-the-lab environments", AOT (2020)
Zhang, S., Ramchurn, P., Menchetti, M., Ubaid, Q., Jones, J., Bongs, K., Singh, Y. “Novel repumping on 3P0→3D1 for Sr magneto-optical trap and Landé g factor measurement of 3D1,” J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys. (2020).
Bongs, K., Singh, Y. Earth-based clocks test general relativity. Nat. Photonics 14, 408–409 (2020).
Badurina, L., Bentine, E., Blas, D., Bongs, K., Bortoletto, D., Bowcock, T., Bridges K. et al. "AION: An atom interferometer observatory and network." Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics 2020, no. 05 (2020): 011.
El-Neaj, Y.A., Alpigiani, C., Amairi-Pyka, S., Araujo, H., Balaž, A., Bassi, A., Bathe-Peters, L., et al. "AEDGE: Atomic experiment for darkmatter and gravity exploration in space." EPJ Quantum Technology 7, no. 1 (2020)
Hisao, P., Singh, Y., Bongs, K., and Hastie, J. "Sub-kHz-linewidth VECSELs for cold atom experiments" Optics Express. doi: 10.1364/OE.390982
Origlia, S., Pradmod, M.S., Schiller, S., Singh, Y., Bongs, K., Schwarz, R., Al-Masoudi, A,. et al. "A high-performance optical lattice clock based on bosonic atoms." arXiv 1803.03157 (2018). doi
Kock, O., He, W., Swierad, D., Smith, L., Hughes, J., Bongs, K., and Signh, Y. "Laser controlled atom source for optical clocks." Scientific Reports 6 37321 (2016). 37321. doi: 10.1038/srep37321
Swierad, D., Hafner, S., Vogt, S., Venon, B., Holleville, D., Bize, S., Kolusa, A., et al. "Ultra-stable clock laser system development towards space applications." Scientific Reports 6 33973 (2016). doi: 10.1038/srep33973
Bongs, K. et al. "The UK National Quantum Technology Hub in Sensors and Metrology." In Quantum Optics 9900, 990009 (2016), SPIE Europe Conference Proceedings. doi: 10.1117/12.2232143, eprint: 39466/1/
Origlia, S., Schiller, S, Pramod, M.S., Smith, L., Singh, Y. et al. "Development of a strontium optical lattice clock for the SOC mission on the ISS." In Quantum Optics 9900, 990003 (2016), SPIE Europe Conference Proceedings. doi: 10.1117/12.2229473, arXiv: 1603.06062
Bongs, K., Holynski, M., and Singh, Y. "Ψ in the sky", Nature Physics 11, 615-617 (2015). doi: 10.1038/nphys3427
Bongs, K., Singh, Y., Smith, L., et al. "Development of a strontium optical lattice clock for the SOC mission on the ISS", Comptes Rendus Physique 16, 553-564 (2015). doi: 10.1016/j.crhy.2015.03.009, arXiv: 1503.08457
Olmos B., Yu, D., Singh, Y., Schreck, F., Bongs, K., and Lesanovsky, I. "Long-range interacting many-body systems with alkaline-earth-metal atoms." Physical Review Letters 110, 143602 (2013). doi: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.110.143602, arXiv: 1211.4537
Ph.D. Theses
Kannanthara, Jithin (2023) Performance Analysis of Quantum-enabled Radar Systems through Modelling and Experimentation
Barron, Richard (2022) Slowing atoms with a permanent magnet Zeeman slower & investigating fibre phase noise on an optical clock system
Viswam, Sruthi (2020) Advanced laser frequency stabilisation systems for mobile strontium optical lattice clocks
Ubaid, Qasim Hassan (2020) Towards a strontium based stationary optical lattice clock
Menchetti, Marco (2019) Experimental set-up for realising long-range interaction using strontium atoms in an optical lattice
Swierad, Dariusz Tadeusz (2018) Stable and ultra-stable laser systems for a mobile strontium optical clock.
He, Wei (2017) Towards miniaturized strontium optical lattice clock.
Smith, Lyndsie Laura (2016) A transportable strontium optical lattice clock towards space.
Kock, Bjorn Ole (2013) Magneto-optical trapping of strontium for use as a mobile frequency reference.
Other publications
Greetham, Helen (2019) Anthea & The Tortoise
Abhilash Jha talks to Joe Barker about getting into a Physics PhD and the work on the transportable clock in a podcast (30mins) link
In the News
Quantum Clocks: Ticking away toward a new era of Precision Measurement (SPIE, 01 March 2023) Click here to view
Quantum Enabled Radar Reseach (Rohde & Schwartz, May 2023) Click here to view